How annoying is it when the path gets so long that you can’t type pwd without breaking to a new line? Or when you scroll up through history and all your commands seem to blend together? Madness!

This terminal is out of control!
This terminal is out of control!

The default prompt format:

MyLaptop:~/Desktop/AwesomeStuff/2015/08/16/OhManILoveThisStuff/Really/How/Far/Can/We/Go johndoe$

You can clean up the default prompt label pretty easily! Join the revolution and put this in your ~/bash_profile:

export PS1="\n\h:\u \w\n\$ "

The result has a line break before the hostname and a line break after the path. That way you can divide up your commands nicely for scrollback. You’ll also give yourself a full line to type on. How it looks:

[… last command…]

MyLaptop:~/Desktop/AwesomeStuff/2015/08/16/OhManILoveThisStuff/Really/How/Far/Can/We/Go johndoe  
$ echo "I can type sooooooo much stuff here!"

We can improve on that and give it some flavor.

LEETUSER=`whoami | tr abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 48\(\)3\|6#1jk\|mn0pqr57uvwxy2`
CURDATE=$(date +"%b.%d.%Y @ %I:%M%p")
export PS1="\n$LEETUSER|$CURDATE|\w\n\$ "

The result:

j0\#n)03|Jul.15.2014 @ 11:39am|~/Desktop/AwesomeStuff/2015/08/16/OhManILoveThisStuff/Really/How/Far/Can/We/Go johndoe  
$ echo "I'm l33t, )4w6!"

You could add some color to it with the opening tag, \[\e[1;32m\], and close color with the closing tag, \[\e[0m\]. Then you could separate the values with ` ::: ` to make it easier to read. The code:

LEETUSER=`whoami | tr abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 48\(\)3\|6#1jk\|mn0pqr57uvwxy2`
CURDATE=$(date +"%b.%d.%Y @ %I:%M%p")
export PS1="\[\e[1;32m\]\n$LEETUSER ::: $CURDATE ::: \w\n\$\[\e[0m\] "

The resulting prompt green will be green!

Perhaps you just want to simplify things with a $ and space? Why not use this:

export PS1="\$ "

The result:

$ echo “I know how to type pwd and date, and I never change users, so whatevz.”

There are an infinite number of possibilities so have some fun!
